Well, it's been exactly a week since I was put on bed rest and so far, so good. We had quite a lengthy doctor's appointment this past Monday. We started out having an ultrasound which was so exciting! I had been dying to see how much our baby boy had grown and changed since our last ultrasound at 20 weeks. My mom, Alyssa, Blair, Brooklyn, and Justin were all there to share this experience with me and that was really special. After the ultrasound, they did a NST (non-stress test) to check London's heart rate, movement, etc. There was one monitor that checked his heart rate and one that checked whether or not I was having any contractions. Every time I felt London moved I had to push a button-this lasted 20 minutes. The results of the NST all came back normal. I finally met with the doctor and went over the the ultrasound, NST, my blood pressure, etc. It seems that little London is currently living up to that name. He is measuring about a week behind and weighs approximately 5 (ish) pounds and they said he would likely take after me in length (he may be a little on the shorter side)...we shall see. :) The doctor was pleased with the results of the NST and my blood pressure was still a little on the high side, but not nearly what it was on the previous Friday. He told me to continue to take it easy and stay off my feet as much as possible. However, he did give me permission to go to church and on short outings where I wouldn't be doing a lot of walking or vigorous activity. For that, I was very thankful! Needless to say I have been taking advantage of resting and relaxing this past week. We have been so blessed with family and friends stopping by for visits and dinner for us.
According to my iPhone app, London should be about the size of a watermelon this week, weighing about 6.5 pounds and measuring between 19-22 inches long. However, according to our visit this past week our little London isn't quite ready to be a watermelon. I am 36 weeks, 5 days pregnant as of today. That leave about 3 weeks, 2 days left until we meet our little man! I cannot believe how close it's getting!
I've been working on a pregnancy journal and I was looking back at the different ultrasound pictures we've had. I thought I'd share a few. It's so neat to see the progression of how London has grown over these past several months! Enjoy!
London at our first u/s. 8 weeks/5days
3-D image at our first u/s.
3-D London at our 2nd u/s. 19 weeks/3 days

It's a BOY! 2nd u/s.
Sweet boy at our 3rd u/s. 36 weeks/1 day
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