Little London is now the size of a large cantaloupe. He is somewhere between 19-22 inches long and now weighs around 6 pounds! Today I am exactly 35 weeks and 6 days, leaving only 4 weeks and 1 day left until his due date. I have had a handful of doctor's visits from the day of my last post until now. My blood pressure has been creeping up more and more over the last month and my doctor has been keeping a close watch on it. Last weekend I started not feeling so great and so I called and made an appointment for this past Monday. My blood pressure was high, but they wanted to check it again later on in the week. Yesterday afternoon I went to have it checked, and after checking it 3 different times over the time span of about 20-30 minutes my numbers were not looking good. The nurse took down some information from me about how I've been feeling, along with all 3 blood pressure numbers and went to discuss things with the doctor. I was definitely not mentally prepared for what she came back with. As of yesterday afternoon I have been put on bed rest and am not allowed to return to work until after London is born. I am also being put on medication for my blood pressure. I am supposed to become a "lady of leisure" as my doctor so delicately put it. I will say that this caused a lot of mixed emotions inside of me and it is still something that is settling in this morning. I am thankful/happy to not have to deal with the stress of work everyday for the next month and I have a feeling that the job I have was probably some, not all, but some of the cause of my high blood pressure. However, I am not so excited about having to sit/lay on the couch all day without really being able to go many places. I know that in the end it will all be worth it and that God has got a plan for why this is happening. I am going to make a conscious effort to see this as a blessing and something that is positive for both me and London. (I will say that the fear/worry/anxiety will still creep in, I'm sure). I am so blessed to have such a great family and such great friends who have already offered to help and come and visit with me so that I don't go completely crazy! We will go back to the doctor on Monday morning for an ultrasound (yippee!), and a non-stress test to make sure that little London is doing fine. I should be getting the results of some lab work I had done yesterday and if everything looks normal, then I will continue on bed rest and will be monitored weekly. However, if my lab work comes back abnormal, they may want to deliver the baby SOON. Ahh! I'm not quite sure what "soon" means, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
All of that being said, if anyone is reading this please lift us up in prayer. I know that God has got this all under control and I don't need to worry about a thing. However, it is definitely in my nature to worry, stress, and have major anxiety.
I will definitely try to update as things happen over the upcoming days/weeks to come.
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