It's a BOY! I went into our ultrasound yesterday at 1:30 having absolutely no clue whether we were having a boy or a girl. The ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby if she could tell and we immediately said, "Yes!" I was nervous that she wasn't going to be able to tell or that it was going to take a long time. I had a Dr. Pepper, some Cheez-Its and some M&Ms about a half an hour before we got the to doctor's office. It only took the tech about 5 seconds to locate the "boy" parts on our sweet baby. He was very active during the entire ultrasound and he is currently in the breech position, which she said was fine. Everything looked healthy and he is weighing about 10 oz. and is about the size of a mango this week. We had a wonderful day sharing the news with family and friends. Last night we went shopping and got lots of cute clothes! It was so fun to shop now that we know that we are having a boy! We have decided to name our sweet boy London Starr Evans. I love the name London and Starr is Justin's middle name. I cannot wait to meet this sweet little one in November!
In other news, my sister is being induced at 7:00 AM tomorrow. I cannot wait to meet my little niece, Brooklyn June! She and London are going to be best friends I'm sure! This is such an exciting time in the life of our family.
Mom, Dad and Blair got a new puppy named Spanky last Saturday! He is the cutest little guy and I know he will make our family very happy. He and Minnie have been spending the week together since Justin and I are at Lake Norman for the week with his family and there are no pets allowed at our rental house.
He is definitely a BOY!

All of London's new clothes.
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