About the mommy!
Name: Meredith
Age: 24 (9 more days until I'm 25!)
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
First child?: YES!
About the daddy!
Name: Justin
Age: 29
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: They kind of change depending on what he is wearing, green and sometimes blue
First child?: YES!
Finding out!!
What day did you find out?: March 3, 2011
How did you feel when you found out?: Excited! Shocked! Nervous!
Who was with you?: I was at home by myself when I took two tests
Who was the first person you told?: Justin, then called sisters and mom/dad
How did they react?: Super excited
How did the daddy react?: He was very happy and excited
Telling the grandparents(aka your parents)!
How did your parents react?: They were extremely happy for us and excited
How did his parents react?: Same as above
Are they helping with baby names?: Nope, we did that on our own
Have they bought anything for the baby yet?: Lots of cute outfits!
How often do they call to check on you?: Several times throughout the week
About the pregnancy!
When was your first appointment?: I have it written down somewhere, but I know it was sometime mid-March
When is your due date?: November 6th
How far along are you?: 20 weeks 2 days
Pre-pregnancy weight?: Ummmmm....right.
Weight now?: Floating around 160
Have you had any ultrasounds?: Two
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes
What was the heartbeat?: It has been in the 130's up to the 150's
Sex of the baby!
Are you finding out the sex or will you wait until birth?: We found out last week. It's a BOY!
What do you want?: I really didn't care. Just a healthy baby.
What does the daddy want?: Same as above
If you have kids, what do they want?: Minnie isn't sure she understands the difference between baby girl and baby boy
What do you think you are having?: ..
Have you had your big ultrasound yet?: Yes
If so, what are you having?: Again, Boy
If you have kids, are they happy with the sex of the new baby?: Again, Minnie isn't so sure about all of this
Are you & daddy happy with what you are having?: Absolutely
About the birth!
Do you know what you are taking with you?: I have no clue at this point. I'm sure I will be making multiple lists between now and then.
Who is going to be with you?: Justin will be the only one in the room during delivery.
Are you going to videotape it?: Nope Nope. I'm sure we will take some videos after he is born.
Natural or medicated?: Epidural, pretty much any woman that has done both has said GET THE DRUGS.
Do you think you will need a c-section?: I do not think so at this time
Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time?: I'm thinking probably so
Do you think the daddy will cry?: I think he will
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her?: I love you
Are you scared about the labor?: YEP.
Do you have a name picked out?: London Starr Evans :)
Girl names…: Not needed
Boy names…: See above
Is your baby going to be named after someone?: London is just a name we both really like and Starr is Justin's middle name.
Other random questions!!.
Have you felt the baby move?: Yes, he is quite the wiggle worm.
Do you have stretch marks yet?: Not yet!
What was your first symptom?: Slight nausea
Will your baby have godparents?: We haven't discussed this yet.
Who will the god mommy be?: n/a
Who will the god daddy be?: n/a
What is the baby’s room theme?: Still in the process of picking this out.
What was the first thing you bought for the baby?: Honestly, I don't think I have bought anything for our baby yet, b/c so many people have bought us sooooo much!!!
If you already have kids, how do you think they will adjust to the new baby?: Minnie will likely lick him a lot.
Will you cloth diaper?: Not decided yet.
BFing or formula?:Attempting the first
What is your favorite pregnancy book?: Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
What do you look forward to doing again once you are no longer pregnant?: A good night's sleep!
What physical features do you hope the baby will get from daddy?: Really any feature that is from him I will be happy with!
What physical features do you hope the baby will get from you?: See above.
Is he ready to be a daddy?: He will be an amazing Dad! It will be a learning process for us both!
Are you ready to be a mommy?: See above
No real updates this week about baby London except that he is now the size of a banana. :)