I was reminded today of a verse in the Bible that says, "This too shall pass." Well, I am currently claiming that verse and I intend on taking it quite literally. I have been home for the past day and a half trying to pass a kidney stone. This is my second one and I do not remember the first ever being this painful. I have been drinking so much water that I feel like I could float away. I am taking Tylenol to help ease the pain and I am drinking a yummy mixture of lemon juice and olive oil which is supposed to help the stone more easily. So far, nothing has passed. However, today I have experienced much less severe pain that I was experiencing yesterday. I could hardly move, much less get comfortable yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, I have the best family in the entire world. Yesterday my mom drove over here just to bring me some lemons and some olive oil (we were out) so that I could make that nasty drink. We sat on the couch and talked for a while and I could not have been more grateful to have her here. Then my hubby came home from work and brought me a chocolate milkshake and catered to my every need. Today I woke up still in some pain so I decided to stay home and try and rest and get this thing to pass. My dad came over and took me out to lunch and then spent the whole afternoon with me. It was so nice to just sit and relax at home and be able to spend some time with the man I call my hero. Then hubby came home from work today and brought me Chick Fil A ice cream with chocolate syrup. Oh, how I love that man! Needless to say I feel very loved and blessed.
Ok, enough about me...on to baby Evans. Again, not a lot has changed other than the fact that baby is now the size of an avacodo. We go back to the Dr. on the 31st and then we will schedule our ultrasound appointment! I still feel like my "baby bump" is really just a "baby is making me hungry all the time so I'm eating everything in sight bump." I'm sure it will start to feel/look different in the coming weeks. I think that is all for now. Until next time...
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