Saturday, January 28, 2012

Three Months.

I cannot believe that my baby will be 3 months old on Tuesday. I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital. He is still a very laid back baby with such a sweet personality. He is sleeping through the night most nights now and is awake a lot more during the day. He has started staying with my sister two days a week and has so much fun "playing" with his cousin Brooklyn. Here are some recent pictures of my cutie pie! Enjoy!

London and his girlfriend Wake.
Clean baby!
Such a sweet face.
Cousins chillin in their carseats.
Happy boy!

Holding on to mommy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two Months.

I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a quick update while little man is snoozing. It's hard to believe that London was two months old on December 31st! This had been the most amazing two months of my life. Justin and I have felt so blessed with all of the love and support we have received from our family and friends.

We had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend a lot of time visiting with my family. We stayed in town and spent Christmas day with my mom, dad, Blair, Lyss, Joseph, and Brooklyn. It was so nice to be able to relax without having to do a lot of traveling. We did miss seeing Justin's family, but we got to spend time with this past weekend which was great. I am so looking forward to next Christmas with a little one year old! :)

Of course like every good thing, it must come to an end. This past Monday I went back to work and I will say that this week has been one of the most difficult. I miss London and Justin so much during the day. I am really trying to have more of a positive attitude about going to work everyday, but it will take some time. Justin is keeping London during the day, which is a huge blessing! I am so blessed with such an amazing man. Alyssa will start keeping London for two days out of the week starting the week after next. Justin is going to be working at the church office on those two days.

Justin took London to his two month check up today and everything is looking great! London weighs 11 lbs and is in the 25-50 % for weight. He is 23 1/2 inches long and in the 75% percentile for height. He had to get two shots and has been a little cranky, but as soon as he is being cuddled he is perfectly content. I love my little boy more than anything and I am so grateful to God for giving us this blessing.

Until next time...
