I have not done well in the way of updating lately. It always that keeping up with my blog just slips away from me. London will be 6 months old 2 weeks from tomorrow! I can hardly believe it! He is at such a fun and entertaining age right now. He is rolling over (back to front) and trying to sit up. He has two tiny teeth on the bottom, right in front. He is still a very happy baby both day and night. He sleeps through the night still and is an all around easy going little guy. This morning we had him dedicated at church and all of our family was there to celebrate with us! It was such a special day! We will be headed to Orlando, FL next Sunday for a week long trip with a few other couples from our church. There is a conference we will be attending while there. Below are a handful of pictures from the past month or so. I will update again after we have London's 6 month check up. Enjoy!

Taking a break from our 11 hour road trip to St. Louis. London wanted to test out the front seat while mom was in the gas station.

Cousins hanging out! Love them!
Yay, I got dedicated today!