It's definitely past my bedtime, and I am extremely tired tonight. So, needless to say this will be a short post. I wanted to give a quick update before we leave for Orlando tomorrow. I ended up having an ultrasound done about a week ago and they checked my liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and pancreas. I had to wait a few days for the results, but I finally found out on Tuesday that everything looks NORMAL! I was so grateful for those results. Although I don't know what caused me to be so sick a couple of weeks ago, I am just thanking God for healing me and for giving me good results. I will be 12 weeks tomorrow! Woo Hoo! Our little one will be the size of a peach. I'm looking forward to being in my second trimester. However, I must say that my first has really not been all that bad. Justin and I are leaving tomorrow for Orlando, FL and will not be back until next Saturday! I am so grateful to be taking this trip and am very excited about all of the things God will be teaching us. So, if you're reading this, you can lift up a prayer for us for safe travels and that everyone will stay healthy while we are there. We are leaving Minnie with Justin's mom for the week and I know that they will both enjoy each other's company very much. I do miss my little sweet pea tonight as I'm sitting on the couch and she is not here to cuddle with me. Well, this post is turning out to be much longer than I thought. I hope everyone has a very blessed Easter! He is RISEN!