This blog post is long overdue and it probably will be short and sweet. I've decided that more than anything I try and keep up with my blog for me. I like to be able to go back and look at what's been going on in our lives and especially the lives of our kid(s).
London will be 9 months old on July 31st! He is into EVERYTHING! He is crawling all over the place and pulling up on things and standing. He gets so excited when he stands up. It's SO cute! He still only has 2 bottom teeth and nothing more. He has pretty much loved everything I have given him to eat so far. A few weeks ago he had his second ear infection and when we went to the Dr. he weighed 17lbs. We will go for his 9 month appointment on August 6th so I will be able to update more after that. London is still such a happy and laid back baby. He laughs all the time and loves to wrinkle his cute little nose. He is sleeping very well through the night and typically takes a morning and afternoon nap. :)
Today I am 14 weeks, 5 days pregnant with baby number 2! Baby number 2 is the size of an orange this week and is due on January 21st. I went for my 3rd appointment today and we got to hear baby's heartbeat for the first time and it was 160 bpm. We will find out on August 23rd what we are having! I am guessing girl.
Well that's all of the updating I am going to do for now.
Until next time....
Take A Closer Look
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Six Months.
Oh. My. Goodness. I feel as though London has changed so much over this past month. I took off work last Monday so that I could take him to his six month check-up. I haven't been to one of his doctor visits since his one month check-up. It meant a lot for me to be able to take him this time. Per usual, London looked very healthy and he looks to be growing just as he should be. He weighs 15 pound, 12 ounces and is in the 10-25% for his weight. He is 27 inches long and is in the 75% for his height. He had to get 3 shots at this appointment which of course was probably more traumatizing for me that it was for him. He cried for a few minutes and the nurse gave him a little squeaky toy for being such a big boy. :o) Our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start giving London baby food. So far this week we have introduces oatmeal cereal, green beans, and squash and London has liked them all! I seriously cannot believe that my baby is big enough to be sitting in a high chair and eating baby food. Time is going by way too quickly! Speaking of time going by quickly...I am hoping that the next 4 weeks goes by quickly! That's right, only 4 weeks left until school is out for the summer!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even contain my excitement! I am so looking forward to all of the quality time I will get to spend with my little family. Thanks for reading! Until next time...
Hugs, Meredith
Hugs, Meredith
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Picture Update!
I have not done well in the way of updating lately. It always that keeping up with my blog just slips away from me. London will be 6 months old 2 weeks from tomorrow! I can hardly believe it! He is at such a fun and entertaining age right now. He is rolling over (back to front) and trying to sit up. He has two tiny teeth on the bottom, right in front. He is still a very happy baby both day and night. He sleeps through the night still and is an all around easy going little guy. This morning we had him dedicated at church and all of our family was there to celebrate with us! It was such a special day! We will be headed to Orlando, FL next Sunday for a week long trip with a few other couples from our church. There is a conference we will be attending while there. Below are a handful of pictures from the past month or so. I will update again after we have London's 6 month check up. Enjoy!

Taking a break from our 11 hour road trip to St. Louis. London wanted to test out the front seat while mom was in the gas station.

Cousins hanging out! Love them!
Yay, I got dedicated today!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Four Months.
Today London went for his 4 month check-up. Once again, he checked out perfectly! He is in the 25-50% for his weight, weighing in at 14 pounds and 4 ounces. He is in the 75-90% in height, measuring 25 5/8 inches long. His pediatrician was very impressed with how well he could sit up and also keep control of his neck and head. He has to get 2 shots and Justin said he only cried for a minute and as soon as he picked him up London was all smiles again. :)
I really cannot say it enough how blessed we are. London is such a happy and easy going baby. He smiles and giggles all the time now which is just the cutest thing in the world! He has found his feet...rather foot. He only holds on to one foot so far and it is the same one every time. So cute! He is still sleeping through the night...YAY! He typically sleeps for about 8-9 hours. I could write SOOOOO much more about all of the cute, amazing, funny, silly, crazy things that London does but that would take alllllll night. This mama needs to get some rest. I will try and post some more pictures on my next update. But let's be honest, I already post a ton a pictures on Facebook so you can check them out there. :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Three Months.
I cannot believe that my baby will be 3 months old on Tuesday. I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital. He is still a very laid back baby with such a sweet personality. He is sleeping through the night most nights now and is awake a lot more during the day. He has started staying with my sister two days a week and has so much fun "playing" with his cousin Brooklyn. Here are some recent pictures of my cutie pie! Enjoy!
London and his girlfriend Wake.
Holding on to mommy.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Two Months.
I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a quick update while little man is snoozing. It's hard to believe that London was two months old on December 31st! This had been the most amazing two months of my life. Justin and I have felt so blessed with all of the love and support we have received from our family and friends.
We had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend a lot of time visiting with my family. We stayed in town and spent Christmas day with my mom, dad, Blair, Lyss, Joseph, and Brooklyn. It was so nice to be able to relax without having to do a lot of traveling. We did miss seeing Justin's family, but we got to spend time with this past weekend which was great. I am so looking forward to next Christmas with a little one year old! :)
Of course like every good thing, it must come to an end. This past Monday I went back to work and I will say that this week has been one of the most difficult. I miss London and Justin so much during the day. I am really trying to have more of a positive attitude about going to work everyday, but it will take some time. Justin is keeping London during the day, which is a huge blessing! I am so blessed with such an amazing man. Alyssa will start keeping London for two days out of the week starting the week after next. Justin is going to be working at the church office on those two days.
Justin took London to his two month check up today and everything is looking great! London weighs 11 lbs and is in the 25-50 % for weight. He is 23 1/2 inches long and in the 75% percentile for height. He had to get two shots and has been a little cranky, but as soon as he is being cuddled he is perfectly content. I love my little boy more than anything and I am so grateful to God for giving us this blessing.
Until next time...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
One Month.
As I'm sitting here watching London sleep, I can't help but wish these past 5 weeks would have gone by a little slower. It feels like just yesterday I was holding him for the very first time. To think that he is already a month old blows my mind. Yesterday we had London's one month check up and everything looked great. He weighed 8 lbs and 15.5 oz and he measured 21 3/4 inches long. He also rolled over (back to front) twice while we were at the doctor's office. His pediatrician said he was being a little show off since that was the first time he had done that. ;) He also had to get a shot which completely broke my heart! As soon as it was over I scooped him up into my arms and held him as tight as I possibly could. Although I hated more than anything to see him in pain, it was an indescribable feeling knowing that I could bring him such comfort. Today we took London to have his picture made with Santa at Northlake mall. I was excited that he was actually awake for the picture! Of course, as soon as the picture was over he went right back to sleep. London has been such a good baby from the moment he was born. He is so laid back and really only cries when he is really hungry. He usually goes between 2-3 hours in between feedings during the day and between 3-4 hours at night. I am still breastfeeding, but we have also started supplementing some formula. London does really well with both. This makes things a lot easier, because Justin can help with feedings. Tomorrow we are heading to the beach to visit grandma and grandpa for a few days. The rest of the family will be coming on Friday/Saturday and we will be celebrating grandpa's 80th birthday. I'm really looking forward to being there and having some time to relax with no agenda before I go back to work. Speaking of going back to work, Monday is the day. I will work the entire week next week and the two days (teacher workdays) the following week and then will be out until January 2nd for Christmas break. Even though I'm only going back for a week, I am still feeling sad and anxious about returning to work. I don't want to leave London. I know that it is going to be a difficult transition, and I'm just trying to prepare myself for that. I know I will cry, a lot. But, I also know that God will carry me through and He will give me the strength I need. For anyone that is reading this, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Well, I am going to feed little man and then head to bed. I will end with some pictures of my sweet boy. Until next time...
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